
So who is the Author?  Well my name’s Darren McMillan, and I’ve spent the last five years of my life battling it out in the trenches of modern warfare, trying to nail every last one of those bad guys who thought they might just make it out there alive.  Yup you guessed it! I’m a software tester, and like most of my fellow testers I’m fighting the daily battle of catching all those potential show stopping bugs before they reach the customer.  It’s been a fruitful experience and I’ve learned a lot, some of that I’d like to share here so that others can learn from my experiences.

So why Better Testing?  Well I had been following over thirty testing blogs for around a year and noticed that while the vast majority were interesting, very few (possibly as little as one in ten) gave me any info that would allow me and others I work alongside to better ourselves.  I guess what I want to do here is provide insights into my world, and the idea’s that I’ve tried to better myself and the product that we’re shipping.

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